Friday, February 7, 2014

The "Stuff"

There were a few things high up on my list of looking-forward-to when baby girl came home. Getting her home was the important part, now we get to enjoy the "stuff" of parenthood. Things like defrosting the milk I pumped for her, putting together her crib, introducing her to the dogs, breaking in the baby wrap I splurged on months before I knew she existed. All the "stuff". It's been wonderful and I have really enjoyed documenting the "stuff" so I thought I'd share.

Pumping breast milk was difficult, but I couldn't be happier that I did it. Unfortunately, I did have to throw a little away because of freezer burn which made me want to throw up. Those of you who have breast fed or pumped milk will understand. They don't call it liquid gold for nothin'. I'm still able to give her about three months of my own breast milk though. I've already started taking milk donations from some very generous ladies for when we run out of the milk I pumped. I'm determined to reach my parenting bucket list goal of six months feeding her with breast milk only.
Putting together a baby crib is one of those moments I think every mom looks forward to. It's the ultimate in nesting satisfaction. Watching Josh put our daughter's crib together was just as satisfying as I expected it would be. That's right, I watched. Someone had to hold the baby and take pictures.
The dogs have done really well with her. If we let them I think they would lick her all day. Our oldest, Diamond, is very protective already. There were moments of jealousy at first, but they've done very well and I think they're all going to have a lot of fun playing together when baby girl gets older.
I love the wrap!! And so does baby girl. I wear it practically all day just to have it ready. It makes getting things done around the house easier while still being able to bond and cuddle her. It's very soothing to her too. She rarely fusses when she's wrapped and generally falls asleep. I think this kind of close contact bonding is especially important in adoption. It's good for mommy and baby!! I guess I can check this one off my parenting bucket list too.
I've enjoyed the past three weeks SO much. It just feels right. She was the missing piece.


  1. I get crazy emotional reading your blog posts.. I love you guys so much!! And I'm so so happy for you all. Can't wait for Tessa and Vivey to meet!!

  2. For only knowing you through this "blog world" I get to big baby mode reading all this awesomeness. Mommy and Daddy! baby girl is so lucky and blessed, and for sure was the missing piece! YEA! So happy to see the joy and love you two have for your new little family!

  3. I'm a new follower of your blog and I loooove reading! Your posts are bringing me back to the first three weeks home with our son! Time flies! And our sweet babies only get cuter and more fun! You are doing a great job, mama!

  4. Love all of the pictures... I know y'all are just having a blast. Where did you get your baby carrier? I am in the market :)

    1. I got it at a local store. It's called the Solly Baby Wrap. I'm sure you can find them online too though.

  5. Oh my goodness, LOVE the wrap! And you look so rapturous! :)

  6. Such a sweetheart! Good for you for getting out of the house for tea! Two quick questions on the topic of "stuff" - we, too, would like to know what kind of baby wrap you're wearing - we're thinking of doing something similar, pre-Ergo. It looks kind of like a K'Tan - but I wasn't sure. 2nd thing: how's cloth diapering going? You might be waiting to get into the post-newbie groove (is there one?) where you've gotten diaper changes down to a science - but we'd love to hear how it's going, as that's one of our goals, too. Thanks for sharing these photos - seeing how happy you two (three!) are continues to give us hope in our wait!

    1. Thank you! It is a bit like a Ktan, but it's called a Solly Baby Wrap. Pretty much the same thing I think. We love it! We haven't started cloth diapering yet. We were given some very nice disposables from Honest Co. So we're using those till her cloth diapers fit a little better and she's going through a few less a day (otherwise I'd be washing twenty cloth diapers a day. Lol!)


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