I am thankful! My blessings overflow. This Thanksgiving was a crisp 84 degrees in Southern California. A beautiful day. I got to watch our daughter enjoy her first Thankgiving dinner. She loved the turkey, but surprisingly not the mashed potatoes. I got to participate in our yearly tradition of going around the table expressing our gratitude. I included my thankfulness for God's example of adoption through Christ. That's a big one in our family. I got to hear other's gratitude for our first born daughter's existence. Her birthday this year was full of beautiful sentiment and support from so many people! It's such a blessing to know that we aren't the only ones who remember her for the miracle she was. I got to hear my husband pray before the meal. Listening to him pray is one of my favorite things. I got to watch Squeaks wrap the entire family arround her little finger like she always does. I got to play Scatergories with some of my favorite women in the world. Nobody can outdo the women in our family at that game. We take it to new levels and always end up laughing till our sides hurt. I got to meet my cousin's new finance' and watch him make Squeaks laugh super hard. My mom always said it's easy to like people who are good to your kid and she's right. I got to come home tired and happy. I am thankful.