Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Where Has It Gone?

Time, that is. Where has the time gone?! It feels like 2014 lasted about five minutes. I am not nearly as eager to say goodbye to this year as I was last year. Everything we did this year was a first for us, because we experienced everything as new parents. Everything from holidays, like fourth of July and Christmas, to the small stuff, like finding time to shower, it was all new. Parenthood literally changes every single aspect of your life. The way you eat. "Can/will Squeaks eat this too, or should I cook something else for dinner?" The way you manage time. "Is she going to sleep long enough for me to finish this blog post and still have time to fold laundry?" The way you view the world. "You sneeze near my kid, I'll kick you in the shin." Everything changes. It has been awesome and continues to be awesome, and challenging, and fun, and frustrating, and....awesome. I look forward to 2015 being just as, if not more, awesome. We have a few big things coming up. Squeaks' first birthday is less than two weeks away. Our finalization in court should take place in the next few months (finally!). And a few more surprises around the corner. God is the master of surprises. I look forward to writing about it all!

I enjoyed reviewing our year via photo last year, so here we go again. Although, there is most definitely a theme on my Instagram feed these days.
January. Our beautiful daughter was born!
February. We enjoyed time together, and Josh got to take six weeks off work!
March. I turned 29 and Squeaks continued to grow at the speed of light.
April. We celebrated Squeaks' first Easter and the search for breast milk donors continued.
May. I celebrated my second first Mother's Day, and we celebrated the awesome moms who raised Josh and I.
June. We celebrated all the big strong men in our lives, spent lots of time outside, and celebrated Josh's mom's 50th birthday with an 80's theme party.
July. Squeaks first fourth of July! Lots of swimming, family, and Disneyland. We also celebrated 8 years of marriage, but forgot to photograph it. lol!
August. More swimming, exploring the world, and movie nights at church.
September. Our first family road trip to Santa Rosa/San Fransisco. And, of course, more Disneyland!
October. Josh's 31st birthday, the pumpkin patch, and Squeaks' first Halloween.
November. We celebrated my mom's 55th birthday, Evelyn's second birthday, and Squeaks' first Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for!
December. Squeak's first Christmas and the end to a truly blessed year!


  1. What a great summary of a beautiful year. Happy New Year to you and your family!


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