Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Inadequate Vocabulary

I wrote and rewrote my next post about the days between our daughter's birth and the six day wait until she was finally home. I just couldn't get it the way I wanted. I guess I don't have the vocabulary to describe it. Maybe some of the adoptive parents out there will understand. The rest of you will just have to use your imaginations. Think stressful, beautiful, peaceful, heart wrenching bitter-sweetness and you'll be close.

While not being able to take her home for six days was INCREDIBLY difficult, I tried to see the silver lining. Waiting those six days prepared us mentally and relationally. Josh and I went to Disneyland (a fun distraction and it might be a little while before we can go again) and I was able to work on preparing her room (pictures coming soon). Fitting nine months of nesting into six days was incredible. Decorating and organizing at the speed of motherhood! Haha! 

I will tell you our daughter's birth parents are lovely and we are so blessed to have been able to spend a whole day at the hospital with them. Birth mom and I exchanged cell phone numbers and I have been so unbelievably blessed and humbled by her text messages. I pray that my responses and the pictures I've shared with her have been soothing to her heart. 

God has truly shown Himself. Not just hints. He has left His finger prints so deep in our daughter's life she's practically a heavenly Grauman's Chinese Theater! I can't wait to tell her these stories. Tell her about her birth family's love for her. Show her how God made Himself so clear through her life. People have told us she is blessed to have us as parents but we feel beyond blessed to have her as our daughter.

Josh holding his daughter at the hospital. 


  1. Just beautiful.... I bet the words are so hard to find, but well said :) Happy Mommy days to you!!! :)))))

  2. Just beautiful... I bet the words are so hard to find. Sooooo happy for y'all!!

  3. We adopted our daughter 5 months ago. We got matched within a week
    Of signing with the agency. God is so good. I still can't believe she is mine. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations.

  4. While we are able to bring our daughter home right from the hospital, I experienced the same inexplicable feelings while we waited at the hospital. I look forward to your future posts since our adoption journeys are suddenly on a very close page to one another. Congratulations, Kristen!

  5. She is gorgeous and you are truly an inspiration!!!

  6. Totally understand that feeling! Our daughter was born the same day we matched, and we came home 2 days later! It was a crash course in motherhood for sure, but when we look at her sweet face it makes everything more than worth it. Congratulations!! :)

  7. So excited for you. I am going through my third adoption right now and I know exactly how you feel! Adoption is brutal, but beautiful. It is brutiful:)


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